The Calendar

The internet is filled with booking systems, almost all digital systems rely on time or scheduled events in some form to operate. This means there are a lot of booking systems out there already, some good, some bad and some _very_ bad. So how do we compare? What have we done to stand out, and what are we doing to stay current.

Well, for a start we don’t believe in reinventing the wheel, we use a lot of open source software in our technology, and also give a lot back. When it comes to dates and calendars, there is a LOT of software out there to choose from. We use one of the internets most popular and active calendars, which is very extensible and constantly updated.

Building on the foundation

With that very solid starting block, we have continued to build, augmenting the out of the box features with more open source products and custom code to ensure that our calendar and booking system does everything we need it to do while being user friendly. And in that, we have succeeded.

We believe that our booking system, with regards to the calendar but also the users flow through the system is flexible and simple, while at the same time working on a huge range of different devices customising the layout and features depending on the size and platform of the client device.

So what… just another booking system

Well yes… and no. Our booking page is at the heart of our flying club system and a key component in our aviation school system too. Straight from the main booking page, you can quickly get an overview of your bookings, create new ones, see plane and instructor availability and of course manage your existing bookings. In the club system you can access your booking reports from here, and from the school system you can access or create a lesson directly from the calendar. It’s the entry point into the system for most of our users, so it’s important that it’s intuitive and a rock solid part of the system.

In addition to the calendar itself, there are a number of calendar related features in the system that make the system complete. For example, from your profile page you can create an ICS calendar subscription link which you can use to show your Wings bookings in your own calendar. Most calendars support this, such as Google and Apple, and then you have all of your important bookings in a single view, in your favourite calendar app.

Save the date

Dates are important, much of what happens in Wings is based on events. Managing pilot currency, aircraft services, and yes, also bookings. Wings uses a number of technologies to ensure that we always deliver the best service to you, on time 🙂